MOTHERLOAD - The Cargo Bike Documentary
MOTHERLOAD is now an internationally-released documentary! If you somehow don't know about this film, MOTHERLOAD is a thrilling film about a mom searching for freedom & connection in a fossil fueled, digital and divided world. She discovers how cargo bikes are helping to reshape and reframe our communities and how we get around. It's a story of how we can redeem ourselves by making the mundane extraordinary.
And you should know that VBike figures prominently in MOTHERLOAD, helping to articulate some of the key points of the film. There's great footage of a VBike "house call" consultation and afterward a humorous scene which includes Dave describing and then demonstrating the sensory, emotional and social isolation by promptly getting into a car, closing the door and continuing to talk as he motors off. This sets the stage for MOTHERLOAD filmmaker Liz Canning to riff on this theme and explore the isolation and fragmentation of our experience in a hyper-motorized and frenetically technologized culture.