We Are the First State with Utilities Offering E-Bike Rebates!

VBike is perpetually exploring how to make the e-bike and e-cargo bike revolution affordable and as easy to jump into as possible. The problem, of course, is that the bikes and e-assist systems cost more and for some people it's just too much.
That's why we are so proud to announce the e-bike rebates from four great utilities in Vermont. They are offering a $200 rebate on any e-bike, e-cargo bike or installed conversion kit. Click on the icons below to get more details.
And remember, you can combine the VSECU low-interest loans with these rebates to make things super affordable. Hopefully, we'll have more news about more rebates and subsidies in the near future. Really, the state should be paying for us to ride and not drive cars!!
That's why we are so proud to announce the e-bike rebates from four great utilities in Vermont. They are offering a $200 rebate on any e-bike, e-cargo bike or installed conversion kit. Click on the icons below to get more details.
And remember, you can combine the VSECU low-interest loans with these rebates to make things super affordable. Hopefully, we'll have more news about more rebates and subsidies in the near future. Really, the state should be paying for us to ride and not drive cars!!

The Burlington Electric Department is a municipally-owned utility known for their innovative programs. VBike and Local Motion worked for a year on the possibility of e-bike rebates with the utility and in the spring of 2018 they announced this groundbreaking program. This only covers purchases from Burlington bike shops. The program has been a big success. Check out their website on the rebate program here.

In May 2019, the folks at Green Mountain Power decided to launch their rebate option about a year after the Burlington Electric Department began theirs. The big thing here is that GMP has some 265,000 and covers nearly half of Vermont. Bike shops are participating throughout the state, so if you see a e-bike or e-assist kit you would like at any bike shop in Vermont, ask if they are a participating shop. See our blog piece about this!

The VPPSA e-bike rebates cover the following locations -
Barton Village, Village of Enosburg Falls, Hardwick Electric Department, Village of Jacksonville, Village of Johnson, Ludlow Electric Light Department, Lyndonville Electric Department, Morrisville Water & Light, Northfield Electric Department, Village of Orleans, Swanton Village
Barton Village, Village of Enosburg Falls, Hardwick Electric Department, Village of Jacksonville, Village of Johnson, Ludlow Electric Light Department, Lyndonville Electric Department, Morrisville Water & Light, Northfield Electric Department, Village of Orleans, Swanton Village

Incentive amount is limited to $200 or 50% of purchase price.
• Only valid on purchases of a new e-bike.
• Provide paid proof of purchase.
• This incentive is for WEC members only.
• Good through December 31, 2020 unless otherwise modified/terminated.